“When you read the Bible, you get to know and you come to love God too much to keep sinning…”
Read More“Classes cancelled, graduation postponed, plans changed…it’s easy to fall into worry when your foundation is set on something or someone that can be broken or taken away.”
Read More“I didn't have a real, personal relationship with Jesus until I had a heart click that I WAS THE WICKED ONE separated from God.”
Read More“When I was about five years old, I watched my father get arrested and taken away in a cop car.”
Read More“The Lord used that trip to change my life! God showed me just how much He had been fighting for me through others and introduced me to a community of people who love the way Jesus loves us.”
Read More“I began to realize that serving God is not an obligation or a chore, but rather a privilege. The Son of God chose to serve the Father joyfully. Jesus surrendered and dedicated His entire life to being a living sacrifice in order to do the will of the Father, not out of obligation, but out of pure love! I pray that through our love for God we will find utter joy in serving Him each and every day.”
Read More“‘There is nothing you can do that would make God love you any more or any less.” Through these words, for the first time, I was able to recognize the true voice of my Father.”
Read More“Despite being raised in a home full of love, peace, and assurance there was something insatiable that began to grow in me during my middle school and high school years. An unhealthy need and want to please everyone and anyone around me. Suddenly what people thought and perceived of me became more important than intimacy with God.”
Read More“I never knew what true repentance was and the joy that it brings. I realized that I could not say that I loved Jesus yet continue to live a secret life of sin.”
Read More“He showed me that in Him I was made new again, and that I could rest in His love and approval and I didn’t need to seek man’s approval. I was shown that Jesus loved me and gave Himself for me, not my successful, accomplished, perfect image.”
Read More“I was in what was the likeness of a white room. And there was Jesus fresh from His scourging, bloodied and beaten. I was confused, asking Him what He wanted. He simply motioned me forward and embraced me.”
Read More“I realized that giving your life to Jesus isn’t the end of the race, but the very beginning. God desires more than just a single moment of prayer and surrender from us.”
Read MoreJesus gave us His all, so why don’t we give him our all?
Read More“I began to realize that God yearned for me jealously and desired to make Himself known to me personally. This changed everything.”
Read MoreWe fight our flesh that tempts us, a world that is trying to distract us and a devil that is trying to destroy us. God has given us the means to overcome these enemies, but not without a cost.
Read More“As I sat in the back of the ambulance I realized that I didn’t want to live my life in a way that would lead me into situations like the one I was just in.”
Read MoreWe must be vigilant in our thoughts, for if neglected, our lives will be a reflection of wrong thoughts of God.
Read MoreRead MoreI felt a hand on my back. I looked up and it was my small group leader! She had come to find me in the back of that dark room because she cared for me and knew that I was struggling with epilepsy. In that moment, everything was so clear and I realized that I needed healing. I knew that sickness wasn’t meant to be part of my identify.
“By the end of my sophomore year of college, I felt incredibly lost, I became self-centered, and I was mean. I thought that I could live in sin AND pursue God. Often times, I would feel empty and angry with myself with how I was living. I began to hunger for real relationships and real conversations.“ - Emerson Frase
Read MoreAfter experiencing a Godless upbringing and deep hurt in her teen years, Amanda was left with more questions that anything. Hear in her words, about how Jesus made himself known to her and answered all of her questions. "What is the Gospel?", "Is everything in the Bible true?", "Is Jesus really God?", and "Could Jesus still love me, despite my sin?"
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