Even the most righteous of deeds will quickly become powerless when done with the wrong motive in heart.
Read More“I didn't have a real, personal relationship with Jesus until I had a heart click that I WAS THE WICKED ONE separated from God.”
Read More“At the end of my rope, I cried out to God and told Him I knew scripture said He could satisfy me, and that I needed Him to show me that…He delivered me from idolized relationships, depression, drugs, other addictions, and anger.”
Read More“When I was about five years old, I watched my father get arrested and taken away in a cop car.”
Read MoreAre we deceived by the lies that culture is teaching us?
Read MoreIn these situations I often feel overwhelmed and alone, but when I spend time with God I know He is with me.
Read More“Despite being raised in a home full of love, peace, and assurance there was something insatiable that began to grow in me during my middle school and high school years. An unhealthy need and want to please everyone and anyone around me. Suddenly what people thought and perceived of me became more important than intimacy with God.”
Read More“I never knew what true repentance was and the joy that it brings. I realized that I could not say that I loved Jesus yet continue to live a secret life of sin.”
Read More“He showed me that in Him I was made new again, and that I could rest in His love and approval and I didn’t need to seek man’s approval. I was shown that Jesus loved me and gave Himself for me, not my successful, accomplished, perfect image.”
Read More“I was in what was the likeness of a white room. And there was Jesus fresh from His scourging, bloodied and beaten. I was confused, asking Him what He wanted. He simply motioned me forward and embraced me.”
Read MoreIt is vital for us to understand that God is okay with you feeling emotions, but anything that is done must be done under His authority and what He says to be correct.
Read MoreWe must be vigilant in our thoughts, for if neglected, our lives will be a reflection of wrong thoughts of God.
Read More“After spending the weekend learning so much about God, I felt a stirring in my heart but disregarded it as emotions because of what was happening. My small group leader reached for my hands and said, “Catty, I wouldn’t say this if I didn’t think it was the Holy Spirit, but I really feel like you should get baptized.” I sat there for a moment realizing that this stirring in my heart was not of me, but of God.”
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