Markell - Resurrected


“I grew up with no Christian background. We moved a lot and money was always tight. In high school, I noticed a change in my parents relationship. One evening I saw my mom crying, and she told us my dad had hit her. I ran to the front door, opened it, and saw my dad’s car driving away. He came back, but the world I understood was shattered.

It got worse. My dad would get drunk and come lay his rage on us. I grew cold, then my mom moved out. Thats when my rebellion started. I started smoking weed and drinking. I didn’t trust my family, so I looked to gangs to secure loyalty and brotherhood. I hated people. People were nothing to me. And so was God.

I looked for trouble. I craved it. On my 19th birthday I went on my balcony to smoke. As I lit the joint, I heard a voice ask me: ”When will you let me be your father?” I stopped in my tracks. I knew it was God. I replied, “Not now. You should have been there when my mom was beaten, when her life was threatened. You should’ve intervened.”

Watching my mom get hurt as a young man and not being able to do something made my heart hard. In my foolishness, I said no to God. But the Lord quickly got my attention, this time by shattering the window behind me. Again he asked me, “When will you let me be your father?” I dropped the weed and said “NOW!”

I went to church and heard about the fear of the Lord. My heart was convicted. I knew I couldn’t blame anyone else for my choices. I was responsible to God. I surrendered my life right then and there. I spent hours everyday in my room reading the words of Jesus. They were my life as they are now. I fell in love with Jesus, and His love demanded a response. I did anything he said.

God eventually led me to San Antonio. I walked on campus one day praying for fellowship. I needed to find people who were on fire, too. I found Chi Alpha the next day. Since then, I’ve found more friendships that I can count. I found a small group where I was discipled and taught how to walk with Jesus. I learned to take responsibility for myself, then I learned to take responsibility for others.

What will you do to help Christ’s mission?” - Markell

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