A God that Sees & Cares by Elena Valdez

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A God that Sees & Cares by Elena Valdez 

The church building was like a second home to me. I was the typical church kid. I understood the ten commandments and knew all the right answers when asked. When I got into middle school I started a relationship with a boy. This relationship was everything to me and I quickly found my identity in it. This was my first boyfriend and all I really knew about love was from movies. I quickly threw away all the rules I had learned in church. I was willing to do anything for this relationship. 

During my freshman year of college, I was grieving the loss of this relationship that I had put my whole identity into. I didn’t know who I was outside of this relationship. I began to find my identity in partying and drinking. All the while I was calling myself a Christian and still going to church every Sunday. During this time I was satisfied living this way because I didn’t have a personal relationship with Jesus.

When I was introduced to Chi Alpha I met my small group leader that claimed to know Jesus personally. The way she talked about reading the Bible and what Jesus had done in her life shocked me. 

 The first Chi Alpha service I went to I remember Johnny holding up his Bible and saying something along the lines of “If you call yourself a Christian and you haven’t read the Bible, go and read it.” I grew up in the church and called myself a Christian but I had never read the Bible, so I just decided to start reading.

This decision to read the Bible was my first step to beginning a relationship with Jesus. I began to learn about the character of Jesus and who He really is. 

Once I knew who Jesus was I desired to surrender my life to Him. I prayed that the Lord would remove a guy from my life that was hindering me from living a holy life. In less than 24 hours Jesus answered my prayer.  I knew in that moment that Jesus cared about me personally. He is the God that sees and the God that cares about His children. The relationship I have with Jesus is real and personal and he desires to have this intimacy with everyone. 


Rules without relationship lead to rebellion. 

Practical Challenge: 

-Go through a chapter of the Bible and ask three questions:  

  • What does this say about God?

  • What does this say about man? 

  • And if this is true how should I respond?