Love Never Fails by Ryota Yogo


By Ryota Yogo

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love” 1 Corinthians 13:13

Looking back on my days as a student in Chi Alpha, my salvation story testifies that people may not remember what you say, but they will always remember how you treat them. As an international student who did not know Jesus and was not fluent in English, I do not remember most of the lessons that my small group leader taught. However, I will always remember how he treated me with the love of Christ.

When Africa’s greatest missionary, David Livingstone, died, the British government requested that Livingstone’s body be sent back to his homeland. The African tribesmen there refused to send it and removed Livingstone’s heart from his body saying, “His heart always belongs to Africa”. Livingstone did not know the language of each tribe in Africa, but he did know the one universal language: the love of God.

From the day that he landed, it was this love that he spoke; it was this love that was accepted by all; it was this love that opened the hearts of many Africans to receive the gospel of Jesus Christ. The world is not looking for a better sermon on love; it is looking for a better demonstration of it.

I experienced God’s love through my small group leader before I had ever heard about it.

This experience not only convinced me to give my life to Jesus, but it has also constantly reminded me of how important it is to do the same for those around me. Unlike the various ideas about love that the world presents us with, the Bible tells us that “Love never fails” (1 Corinthians 13:8). We MUST NOT give up!


People will not always remember what you say, but they will always remember how you treat them.


Are you demonstrating the love of Christ to those around you? To whom are you showing God’s love in you today? Think of one thing that you can do today to help one person to experience the love of Christ.