Basically, I was lame and Jesus is wonderful.
I grew up in a non-christian home; my mom went to church on Sundays and my dad believed in science. Although I knew about God, I had no personal relationship with him. Somehow I concluded at a young age that this God that everyone talked about was pretty cool, but I never knew what to do with this fact. At the same time I believed that being a “good” person and praying one prayer could get me to heaven. In highschool I started doing drugs, drinking, and doing things I shouldn’t with people I barely knew. My purpose in life was just to have a good time, please my own body, and make sure people liked me. I was also very shy and cared a lot about what people thought of me. Little did I know, I was on a path of destruction. But thank God, the Lord turned my world upside down my sophomore year of college.
I found myself in a Chi Alpha service on campus, encountering the presence of the Living God and seeing college students genuinely worship Jesus. From there I started going to these things called small group, which are Bible studies, and God started opening my blind eyes to see how attractive He was. God used small group to teach me how to have a real relationship with Him and those around me. It was through going to small group and learning about the character of God through the bible that it struck me: God is so good to me, yet I am not good to Him.
The Holy Spirit convicted me, and showed me how I was breaking God’s heart with my sin and selfishness. It’s like I was trying to be in this relationship but I kept punching God in the face and I wondered why I couldn’t be close to him. It turned out that the Lord created me for relationship with Him. A relationship where He speaks to me, comforts me, moulds me, uses me, provides for me, frees me, adores me, paints sunsets for me and so much more. My selfishness was like a wall that separated me from this intimacy with the Lord. Through grace, God saved me from myself. God always had my best interest in mind when He commanded holiness.
I was chasing the wind trying to find purpose and fulfilment in temporary things. But now I’ve seen that God is constant and fills me up; Jesus is the only one who can abundantly fill the God-sized hole in my heart because he's the one who made it.
He pursues us and even when we are still sinners Christ still died for me and He died for you. I dare you to open the gift of salvation and walk with God along with other believers. It’s been sweet to know God more and more everyday through spending time in the scripture, worshipping Him, and just being with God. It has also been a privilege to introduce others to Him and build a small group who wants to grow closer to God together.