Father Heart of God
I remember having a dream when I was a little boy. We were in our backyard and my dad told us he had to leave forever. With tears running down his face he walked into a shining light and we would never see him again. I remember waking up and crying for hours knowing it was all a dream. Even the thought of me losing my dad in a dream had me in tears. Although my dad didn’t raise me in the Church he played a huge role in
my life which has affected my journey in learning who Jesus is.
When we are asked to describe who God is, we choose to share something about his Nature and/or His Character. It is written that we are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26). There are unique attributes about God that He has given to people. We have the privilege to take on some of these as image bearers. God has given many of us the gift of sharing life as parents. There is a deep connection between the relationship with children and their earthly fathers just like God and his children. Sometimes people will know exactly who’s kids you are by how you look or act. In the same way we give testimony to our Heavenly Father as we merely exist and even more when we give, serve, and create.
The moment someone becomes a father they share something very special with God. Fathers begin to see things as God sees them because they have a close understanding of the heavenly Father. Parents share these things with God and just like mothers, dads uniquely have a special role in our families. Fathers endure through pain in greater measures when they disappoint little ones, end up in emergency rooms, or hear things kids don’t mean to say. When we become parents you start to read scripture in a different perspective. Suddenly, certain stories and parables begin to be seen through the eyes of the Heavenly Father.
One of the greatest fears any parent experiences is when a child is lost even for a moment. God doesn’t have thoughts for just a moment. He actually experiences loss every moment of everyday. Fathers who choose to represent God have the greatest influence on their children as they are giving them a small glimpse of what it’s like to have a heavenly Father. Although not every dad always points to Jesus with their words or actions, every one of them gives their testimony of THE FATHER when they teach their kids to always tell the truth, to work hard, and when they sacrifice everything for their family. The word of God says to honor our parents. There is no condition to that commandment. God has blessed you with a father who, although for some it may be small, has shown you what God is like by inheritance as image bearers.
Fathers, we recognize you on this special day. May we never forget every other day of the year all that you do as you mirror the HeavenlyFather.
Questions and Practical Challenges:
“Wisdom is justified by her children” Luke 7:35
Fathers how are you showing your family what the Heavenly Father is like?
Children, brothers, sisters would you choose to honor your fathers
as described in the word of God.
Make a list of all the things they have shown you about God and thank them for it. Get creative and show your dad how much you love them!